Lights and shadows at Prowein. The Zedcomm team, consisting of Lucia, Michela, and Michele, attended Prowein in Düsseldorf. Prowein is an international wine and spirits fair with over 6,000 exhibitors from 61 countries. It is in its thirtieth year and is an undisputed reference point in the trade fair panorama with an international scope and openness.  The event, which took place from 10 to 12 March, turned out to be less international than expected and much more regional in spite of expectations. There are few international buyers, particularly from the USA and Asia, but more from Germany and Northern Europe. Our customers include Cavazza, Felsina, Lungarotti, Marchesi Mazzei 1435, Monteverro, Prà, Tedeschi, Villa Santo Stefano, Zorzettig, and the Consorzio Tutela Vini della Maremma Toscana, Consorzio Tutela Lugana DOC, Consorzio Tutela Vini d’Abruzzo, and Consorzio Vini Alto Adige. These customers have expressed varying opinions, ranging from total dissatisfaction to moderate optimism. The 2024 edition of Prowein was expected to be much more participative after the overshadowed 2023 edition, but this was not the case. The train strike and Lufthansa flight cancellations may have contributed to this. However, most people believe that Prowein still has a lot to offer. For a more detailed analysis, please refer to two interesting in-depth articles. Lorenzo Ruggeri discusses it in il Gambero Rosso ( and Jens Priewe on FB  Our idea as a press office is that trade shows are always a good place to meet and talk to customers and the press in attendance.

So the date for us at Zedcomm is also confirmed with Prowein from 16 to 18 March 2025.