The Consorzio Tutela vino Lugana reconfirmed for the second year its participation in Wine in Venice, the red carpet of Italian wine at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice, which this year took place from January 20 to 23. The Lugana activity comprehended two thematic masterclasses, a private gala dinner and a talk on sustainability. The first masterclass, titled “Lugana, stories of families and generations compared,” took place on Saturday, January 20, and was moderated by Jacopo Cossater: two generations of producers were placed in parallel to witness how each interprets and elaborates specific values, culture, life philosophies and skills in viticulture. On Monday, January 22, the masterclass “Lugana in Venice between wine culture and art treasures” was held. Conducted by Andrea Gori and Professor Gianni Moriani, it dealt with the theme of “wine and art” as an indissoluble pair, in a journey in which the 5 souls of Lugana – Spumante, d’annata, superiore, riserva and late harvest – were paired with paintings and sculptures.