The Consorzio Tutela Vini della Maremma Toscana had the pleasure of hosting for the first time the American journalist Monica Larner, one of the leading international wine experts and author of “Robert Parker Wine Advocate”, by organizing a tasting dedicated to the DOC Maremma Toscana Denomination.

The tasting organized in the area went beyond the rosiest expectations. The votes assigned to the DOC Maremma Toscana wines are extremely high: “Among the 150 labels for tasting, more than 100 have exceeded 90 points. For Ciliegiolo and Vermentino the average is really high with astronomical peaks ”explains the president of the Consortium Francesco Mazzei. “Our Vermentini have achieved scores of 94+, the highest for this grape variety in Italy and in general throughout the world”.

Thus, the wines of this denomination continue their international growth, thanks also to the contribution of professionals who tell the excellence of wine in the world.