The Capalbio winery continues its path of artistic contamination and presented the new graphic design for its two “young” wines – Verruzzo and Vermentino – , inspired by a work of art by Davide Dormino, during a zoom wine tasting with some lifestyle journalists. Monteverro is a jewel of a winery in Capalbio, well-known not only for the quality of its wines, but also for its transversal commitment to art, music and culture. Indeed, the estate has always embraced a philosophy of contamination, collaborating with internationally renowned artists. This year sees the debut of the new edition of artist labels. This is the natural evolution of Monteverro’s collaboration with ‘Arte&Vino’, a kermesse curated by Maria Concetta Monaci and organised by the cultural association Il Frantoio, which enhances the collaborations between wineries and artists, finding a perfect harmony of visions between the winery’s oenological identity and the evocative creations. The remote aperitif was held on 29 July and was an opportunity for journalists to have a talk with Matthieu Taunay, the winery’s oenologist, and Davide Dormino, the artist himself, who explained the meaning of his artwork ‘Apollo Resisti!’ by Davide Dormino, an artist from Viterbo, who teaches at ‘Rufa’, and which will be hosted on the estate during Arte&Vino from May 2021. The original work is a bronze sculpture inspired by the Colossus of Rhodes, of which Dormino reproduces only the lower part, the two legs forming a triangle that represents the earth and, at the same time, divinity. The outstretched legs compensate for the lack of verticality due to the loss of the torso. In its incompleteness it takes on a whole new majesty, the legs metaphorically stand like two columns symbolising Art itself, engaged in a test of strength against the world.  Hence the cry: ‘Apollo Resisti! ‘Like the original Colossus, it thus becomes a gateway to all that the horizon behind it brings,’ explains Dormino. The choice of this work for the labels of  Monteverro‘s ‘young’ wines is no coincidence. ‘Young wines represent the essence of our philosophy, a true and sincere expression of that southern Tuscany that is the authentic Maremma,’ explain Monteverro.