On 3 March, the first event conceived and organised by the Zedcomm team for its wine customers (and not only!) was held at Dada in Taverna in Milan. It was an opportunity to meet and compare ideas to get to know each other, discover each other’s wines and do some networking.
The concept was to create a meeting devoted to our wine clients, – but also to those from the food, innovation and real estate fields – first and foremost to introduce them to each other, but also to create an opportunity for common reflection on the sector that has become so important for our agency in just a few years. The long-term goal is that it becomes an annual event and turns into a shared moment to do brain storming and discuss new ways of communication, new projects and new tools.
The event was held on Friday 3 March at Dada in Taverna, a historical location in Milan, which is now under the creative and culinary guidance of two young chefs – Paolo Anzil and Davide la Grotteria. A standing lunch to ensure dialogue between guests, some in-depth speeches, and free wine tasting served by Michael Corso, director and bar manager of Dada. There were four speeches: the first was given by Filippo Galanti, founder of Divinea, who anticipated some figures from their report on wine tourism, a highly up-to-date topic that involves more and more people and offers us new development opportunities. This was followed by an important reflection – led by Federica Marini – on the role of press review in the world of wine, a subject that is often underestimated but which, instead, represents a key element for communicating and enhancing our business. Primo Bonacina of Podcast Italia Network described the potential of an increasingly growing means of communication representing a great opportunity for dissemination and promotion. Lastly, there was a greeting from Michael Wangblickler of Balzac, an American communication agency, who gave his views on wine communication in the United States, a market that represents a great challenge but also a huge opportunity.
The event was attended – in an informal atmosphere of curiosity towards this first appointment – by about 50 people – about fifteen wineries, consortia, and almost forty wines tasted – in an oenological journey through Italy from Piedmont to Campania, passing through Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany and Abruzzo. The event was also attended by a number of stakeholders in the industry, customers from the biodynamic world and representatives of sommelier associations, creating an atmosphere of discussion, mutual enrichment, sharing and reflection on the sector. In addition to a Mystery Bag with a reference from another winery, the guests were given a lot of smiles, toasts and many business cards, as any networking activity deserves. The aim was precisely to establish a reciprocal relationship between the guests, leading to an exchange of ideas, advice, information and contacts.