Presented to the press in Milan at the Radisson Hotel Collection Santa Sofia, the editorial project commissioned by the Consorzio Tutela Vini della Maremma Toscana and published by Gruppo Editoriale: “MAREMMA TOSCANA – A journey through people, places and tastes” with texts by journalist and food and wine critic Aldo Fiordelli. Aiming to enhance the territory where the wines of one of the most dynamic denominations in Tuscany are born, the Consorzio enthusiastically embraced the project, convinced that there is much to tell and discover not only for wine and food enthusiasts but also for all those in search of genuine and wild places. Among flavors – represented by 34 ambassadors of Maremman cuisine – stories, nature, memories, and the unpublished photographs by Dario Garofalo, which accompany the reader in this land with extraordinary light. A 300-page bilingual volume (English/Italian) full of suggestions, but also a practical guide that divides the Maremma Toscana into five territories – Colline Metallifere, Colline di Maremma, Costa d’Argento, Tufo, and Colline Amiatine – each further divided into micro-areas, revealing must-see places and experiences chapter by chapter through anecdotes and elegant illustrations. MAREMMA TOSCANA – A journey through people, places and tastes is available in the best bookstores in Italy, on the most important online bookshops, and at