On 12 April, Safilens, Italy’s leading company in the contact lens sector, coordinated the presentation, held at the Auditorium of the Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto ETS in Mestre, of the TYMP study focusing on the efficacy of a tyrosine-releasing contact lens in the management of myopic progression in young people. A study conducted by Dr. Antonio Frattolillo at the U.O.C. Ophthalmology Unit of the Ospedale dell’Angelo – Azienda ULSS3 Serenissima, Venezia Mestre. The study, the first of its kind in Italy, is characterised at national and European level by the composition of the subjects involved and the statistical power of the protocol. Speakers at the presentation conference included nationally and internationally renowned specialists. The presentation was attended by a group of selected journalists from the trade press and the health pages of the main lifestyle publications.
Zedcomm, in addition to taking care of the Safilens press office, handled the total organisation of the conference, the incoming of journalists, the organisation of leisure activities – visit to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, aperitif and dinner at Alajmo’s Quadrino in Piazza San Marco – the accommodation of non-sector guests and logistics.