The fifth edition of the competition, organized by the Consorzio Tutela Vini della Maremma Toscana, took place at the Hotel Miramare in Castiglione della Pescaia on April 8th. For years, the consortium has been committed to enhancing the potential of this grape variety. The jury, led by Vice Director of Corriere della Sera Luciano Ferraro, comprised representatives from starred restaurants in Maremma, owners of wine shops, delegates from associations, and industry experts. There were 73 wines to evaluate, including special types such as those aged in egg-shaped containers, concrete, amphorae, terracotta, or wood, and wines labeled as “Superiore.”  The winners of a place in the “Top Ten” 2024 of Vermentino Maremma Toscana DOC, listed alphabetically by company, are: CASTELPRILE, PRELIUS 2023 – COLLEMASSARI, MELACCE 2023 – GUIDO F.FENDI, CHICCA 2022 – PODERE CIRENE, CIRENE 2023 – PODERE POGGIO BESTIALE, LÉPIDO 2023 – POGGIO LEVANTE, UNNÉ 2020 – ROCCA DELLE MACIE, CAMPO MACCIONE 2023 – TENUTE BRUNI, UPUPA 2022 – TERRE DELL’ETRURIA, MARMATO 2023 – VAL DELLE ROSE, COBALTO 2021 VERMENTINO SUPERIORE. The project and the wines were presented for tasting at Vinitaly and will be the focus of a special communication campaign throughout the year.